Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A Primer on XML, RDF, JSON and Metadata

 by John Halamka, Life As a Healthcare CIO

A new workgroup, formed under the auspices of the HIT Policy Committee and the HIT Standards Committee is beginning its work to help ONC analyze public comments on the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) report, discuss the implications of the report on current ONC strategies, assess the feasibility and impact of the PCAST report on ONC programs, and elaborate on how these recommendations could be integrated into the ONC strategic framework.

Membership includes:
Paul Egerman, Entrepreneur, Chair
William Stead Vanderbilt University, Vice-Chair
Dixie Baker,SAIC
Hunt Blair,Vermont HIE
Tim Elwell, Misys Open Source
Carl A. Gunter, University of Illinois
John Halamka, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, HMS
Leslie Harris, Center for Democracy & Technology
Stan Huff, Intermountain Healthcare
Robert Kahn, Corporation for National Research Initiatives
Gary Marchionini, University of North Carolina
Stephen Ondra, Office of Science & Technology Policy
Jonathan Perlin, Hospital Corporation of America
Richard Platt,Harvard Medical School
Wes Rishel, Gartner
Mark Rothstein, University of Louisville
Steve Stack, American Medical Association
Eileen Twiggs, Planned Parenthood

To advise ONC about the report's recommendations, workgroup members need to understand terms such XML, RDF, JSON and Metadata as well as learn about the standards efforts to date to create human readable and computable data elements for healthcare.

For the complete post, link to http://geekdoctor.blogspot.com/2011/01/primer-on-xml-rdf-json-and-metadata.htm.

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